Wonders Wander

Shu Lea Cheang

2017 | 01:00:00 | Spain | Spanish | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: AIDS/HIV, Body, Camp, LGBTQ, Sexuality, Social Justice, Transgender

Made for Madrid Pride 2017, Wonders Wander is a location based mobi-web-serial with four fictional episodes set in Madrid. Departing from the city’s Malasaña Barrio, which became known as Maravillas (Wonders) during La Movida Madrileña countercultural movement in the 1980s, Wonders Wander takes the wonders out of Malasaña to explore the off-the-mainstream nouveau queer generation that includes refugees, migrants, functional diversity, transfeminista, transfeminism, open family, subversive motherhoods, sustainable living, and the rise of auto-defense practices for self-empowerment.

Wonders Wander, with its GPS-guided city-walks, tracks sites of homo-trans-phobic attacks extending to peripheral Madrid. Along the way, Wonders Wander’s fantasia filmic episodes recount tales of present-day people’s resistance with relentless defiance, seductive sensuality and vigorous passion. Wonders Wander is distributed in a four-episode compilation, and can also be presented as an installation with simulated Madrid city walks. 

EPISODE #1 (14:00) - Con Brujas, Avanzamos (With witches, we move)
EPISODE #2 (15:00) - Un encuentro sobre ruedas (As the wheels meet)
EPISODE #3 (11:00) - eres mía, solo mía (You are mine, only mine)
EPISODE #4 (20:00) - ¿entiendes? (Understand?)

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Madrid Pride 2017

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