Jam #1

Phil Morton

1974 | 00:57:58 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | 1/2" open reel video

Collection: Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive, Single Titles

Tags: Image Processing, Music, The Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive

Jam #1 highlights the colorizing ability of the Sandin Image Processor. This hour-long video compiles a jam session with a piano and drum set, video footage from movies and nature, and visual feedback. The video mixing juxtaposes and alternates the images to create a kaleidoscopic stream of events, accompanied by the improvised music. With keying techniques, bodies and objects become containers that engulf, assimilate, and disintegrate the alternating visual reality. The final part features a “holographic” aesthetic and ambient electronic soundtrack.

–Gordon Dic-Lun Fung

For more information, visit the Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive page

The date for this title is approximate. 

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