The Bible Belt

Ligorano Reese

1992 | 00:04:14 | United States | English | Color | Stereo | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Advertisement(s), Consumer culture, Humor, Religion/Spirituality

The Bible Belt is exactly what its name implies: a belt attached to a bible that comes with a sturdy brass buckle, in the name of "Jesus", dipped in gold. We've created a special television spot of a televangelist selling the belt. Edited as a typical day of channel grazing and zapping, the televangelist plays between "real" television preachers and scrambled porn. The Bible Belt alludes to the wagon train of family values encircling the body politic; scrambled pornography intercut between the televangelists' spots converts the piece into a chastity belt, censoring and paralyzing free thought across the nation. 

The Bible Belt video is part of the installation The Bible Belt, 1992 embedded on an LCD screen in the center of a New Testament Bible. Lower Eastside performance artist Bob Huff plays a televangelist hawking the Bible Belt. Other cast members include Rick Prelinger with cameos by Dan and Marilyn Quayle.

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