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Jean Genet In Chicago

Frédéric Moffet

2006 00:26:00 Canada, United StatesEnglishB&W and ColorStereo


A queer rewriting of the events surrounding the 1968 National Democratic Convention in Chicago from the point of view of French writer Jean Genet. Along the way Genet will meet, amongst others, Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, the Yippies, the Black Panther Party and the Chicago police force... Ultimately, the video is about the difficulty of aligning political and sexual desires.

About Frédéric Moffet

Frédéric Moffet is a media artist, educator, editor and cultural worker. He lives between Montreal and Chicago. His work explores the slippery territory between history, lived experience and fantasy.

Recent screenings include: Rotterdam Film Festival, Whitechapel Art Gallery (London), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), PPOW Gallery (New York), Biennial of Moving Images (Geneva), Pleasure Dome (Toronto), Hot Docs (Toronto), PDX (Portland), Cinema Texas (Austin), Vidéoformes (Clermont-Ferrand), Other Cinema (San Francisco), Kassel Documentary Film Festival, Microwave (Hong Kong) and Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.