Miranda July
1996 | 00:10:00 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | Video
Collection: Single Titles
Tags: Family, Performance, Youth/Childhood
A 12-year-old Olympic swimmer and her mother (both played by July) speak to the public about going for the gold.
“As the film progresses through subtle editing-in-reverse, July reveals the world around the televised facade. ... [T]he 23-year-old performer convincingly plays both Dawn Schnavel and her mom, or rather, vanishes into them. What’s noticeable isn’t so much the ease with which July transforms herself into a pre-teen girl and an older woman but the similarities and differences between the daughter and the mother July becomes.”
—Derk Richardson, “The Marvelous World of Miranda July,” San Francisco Bay Guardian (3 June 1998)
This title is also available on Miranda July Videoworks: Volume 1.
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