Hokey Sapp Does SPEW
Mary Patten
2022 | 00:59:51 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | Video
Collection: New Releases, Single Titles
Tags: Artist Spaces, Chicago Art, Humor, Interview, Journalism, LGBTQ, Performance
Hokey Sapp Does SPEW features Kate Schechter performing her invented media personality Hokey Sapp interviewing some of the luminaries at SPEW: The Homographic Convergence, a queer zine convention hosted by Randolph Street Gallery in Chicago in May, 1991. SPEW brought together artists, writers, editors of zines, performers, video-makers, activists, and bands from throughout the US and Canada, and marked the explosion of queercore subcultures through unabashed fashion, outrageous politics, humor, and joy. Participants were asked about their thoughts and feelings on the meaning of “queer” as manifest in this zine subculture, in queer theory, and in the intense activism of both ACT UP and Queer Nation. The raw VHS footage, shot in 1991, was edited 31 years later, in 2022.
The video features interactions with Robert Ford, Sadie Benning, Suzie Silver, Joan Jett Blakk, Stephen Winter, GB Jones, Queer Nation, and Act Up Chicago.
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