Kaponga Island

George Kuchar

2004 | 00:27:00 | United States | English | Color | Stereo | 4:3 | DV video

Collection: Kuchar Archive, Single Titles

Tags: Humor

A series of abrupt vignettes and transitional montages paint a torrid portrait of a tropical isle in the grip of terror. Linda Martinez stars in this latest atrocity from studio 8 in the San Francisco Art Institute and her co-stars don’t find her too hot to handle! She plays a travel agent booking honeymoon holidays to a sex-infested island haunted by lascivious cadavers and voodoo hi-jinks. Lots of color and rubberized hot action!

This title is also available on The World of George Kuchar.

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Exhibitions + Festivals


Athens Int'l Film/Video Festival (OH), 2005