
Linda Wallace

2000 | 00:06:45 | United States | English | Color | Stereo | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Future

lovehotel uses excerpts from the book Fleshmeat by Australian Internet artist Francesca da Rimini, detailing her life online from 1994 to 1997.

“Linda Wallace’s video lovehotel is about the emergence of new spaces of interaction, of new technologies and of new formations of desire; it is about the meandering of an ‘Aberrant Intelligence’ which hovers above and insinuates itself into our familiar habitats (physical and cyber) like a kind of inscrutable and formless spectre of the future.”

—Chris Rose, “Formula for the Emergence of the New,” Life 3.0 (Madrid: Fundación Telefónica, 2000)

This title is only available as part of e-(d)entity.