Medicine Bundle

Theo J. Cuthand

2020 | 00:09:33 | Canada | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: New Releases, Single Titles

Tags: Animals, Autobiography, Family, Future, Health, History, Indigenous, Religion/Spirituality

Medicine Bundle is about a bundle that was used in my family to heal my Great Great Grandfather from a smallpox epidemic and a life threatening wound from a gatling gun used against him during the Battle Of Cutknife Hill in 1885. The bundle was again used in 1918 when my Grandfather contracted the Spanish Flu as a baby. It was buried in an unmarked grave to protect it from grave robbers, but the spirit within the bundle has continued to protect our family from more modern psychological effects of colonization like depression. As I finished this video, a pandemic was raging over the globe, and I wondered if the bundle would continue to protect us now as it has in the past.

— Theo Cuthand

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