
Bobby Abate

2005 | 00:10:00 | United States | English | B&W | Stereo | 4:3 | Video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Animation, Future

The set of Bewitched is a spiritual battleground of overlapping zones — human, alien and cyborg — in Bobby Abate's latest ontological mystery film.

"In Sylvania, we find ourselves in the interiors of the 1960s television series Bewitched, a space like an implanted memory now occupied by spirographic mandalas, a prowling alien (protector or intruder?), a naked woman (asleep or dead?). An unshaven figure who might be the video maker or his double looms like a cyborg in nebulous space. His movements make us wonder if he is an apprentice to the robot-like figure, or the puppet master of the scene, a paradox like the role of television itself — reflective, instructive and/or indoctrinating."

— Mark MacElhatten 

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