"This compilation is a selection of six short films and videos, made in London over the period 1994 to 1999. These pieces develop my own fusion of experimental writing/monologues with underground film forms, playing with fractured forms of storytelling and film trick conceits. The compilation encompasses the period before I started editing digitally, using Super-8 animated film and monologue, as on Heady and Gorgeous Operation. My first videos experimented with frame-by-frame digital ‘hand crafted’ animation, using ‘fairy tale’ like narrative devices - Important Toy, "What are you doing with your fingers?" and a combination of both (with an imploding narrative) in 4 Ways he tried to tell you. In The Spectacular Murder of Mervyn, the challenge was to take an impossible-to-film, bizarre ‘given’ literary text, and make it into a film using Super-8 alone."
-Jennet Thomas