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Timothy Leary at U.I.C.C.

Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive

1977 01:01:04 United StatesEnglishB&WMono4:31/2" open reel video


While on tour for his new book Exo-Psychology: A Manual on The Use of the Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturer, Timothy Leary gives a lecture at the University of Illinois Circle Campus (now University of Illinois Chicago). At the start, Leary draws parallels from various cultures from human history and asserts that those who migrated and moved beyond their known environments, the restless and the visionaries, are the ones who advanced human civilization. Speaking about the ongoing evolution of human thought and the development of intelligence and civilization, he claims society is currently moving through a mutation phase. Leary advocates that humans have a “genetic imperative to leave the planet”, and the next step of human evolution is space migration and how, because of this, life extension will become a necessity.

Timothy Leary (1920-1996) was a psychologist known for his influence on the countercultural movement of the 1960s and 1970s. He is known for his advocacy of psychedelics (LSD and psilocybin) as a therapeutic treatment as well as his philosophies on transhumanism and human space migration.

The Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive (PMMRA) is an archive of early video and media art created and collected by artist and School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) instructor Phil Morton and his students and collaborators. The collection includes nearly 800 videos, a large portion of which documents the emergence of experimental video and media art education in Chicago during the 1970s. During his time at SAIC, Morton developed an anti-copyright approach called COPY-IT-RIGHT, which advocated that media art should be shared widely and be freely available. In honor of this ethos, all PMMRA titles on Video Data Bank’s website are available to watch for free. Visit a title's artwork page to view the video in full. 

For more information and to access the full list of available titles related to PMMRA, visit the Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive Collection page

The titles listed on this page are videos collected and produced by Morton's collaborators and students, titles for which Morton may have had an ancillary role. Visit Phil Morton's artist page for a list of titles produced by Morton.