Harun Farocki

Born -

Harun Farocki (1944-2014) was born in German-annexed Czechoslovakia. From 1966 to 1968 he attended the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB). In addition to teaching posts in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Manila, Munich and Stuttgart, he was a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

Farocki made close to 120 films, including feature films, essay films and documentaries. He worked in collaboration with other filmmakers as a scriptwriter, actor and producer. In 1976 he staged Heiner Müller's plays The Battle and Tractor together with Hanns Zischler in Basel, Switzerland.

He wrote for numerous publications, and from 1974 to 1984 he was editor and author of the magazine Filmkritik (München). His work has shown in many national and international exhibitions and installations in galleries and museums.

Artist Collection List

Title Year Runtime Collection
A New Product 2012 36 minutes 27 seconds Single Titles
An Image 1983 25 minutes 21 seconds Single Titles
Between Two Wars 1978 1 hour 23 minutes Single Titles
Counter-Music 2004 23 minutes Single Titles
Eye/Machine I 2001 25 minutes Single Titles
Eye/Machine I, II and III 2003 1 hour 5 minutes Single Artist Compilations
Eye/Machine II 2002 15 minutes 49 seconds Single Titles
Eye/Machine III 2003 25 minutes Single Titles
How to Live in the FRG 1990 1 hour 18 minutes 35 seconds Single Titles
I Thought I was Seeing Convicts 2000 25 minutes Single Titles
Images of the World and the Inscription of War 1988 1 hour 17 minutes 3 seconds Single Titles
In Comparison 2009 1 hour 1 minute Single Titles
Indoctrination 1987 43 minutes 20 seconds Single Titles
Inextinguishable Fire 1969 21 minutes 57 seconds Single Titles
Interface 1995 24 minutes 36 seconds Single Titles
Jean-Marie Straub and Daniele Huillet at Work on Franz Kafka's "Amerika" 1983 26 minutes Single Titles
Nothing Ventured 2004 52 minutes Single Titles
Parallel I 2012 15 minutes 53 seconds Single Titles
Parallel I-IV 2014 43 minutes 12 seconds Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
Parallel II 2014 8 minutes 38 seconds Single Titles
Parallel III 2014 7 minutes 21 seconds Single Titles
Parallel IV 2014 11 minutes 20 seconds Single Titles
Radical Closure 2010 5 hours 36 minutes 57 seconds Box Sets, Curated Compilations
Radical Closure, Program 2: War/The Visible Signs 2010 1 hour 10 minutes 45 seconds Curated Compilations
Respite 2007 39 minutes 33 seconds Single Titles
Sauerbruch Hutton Architects 2013 1 hour 12 minutes 44 seconds Single Titles
Still Life 1997 56 minutes Single Titles
The Appearance 1996 40 minutes Single Titles
The Creators of Shopping Worlds 2001 1 hour 12 minutes Single Titles
The Interview 1997 58 minutes Single Titles
Video Art and Mass Incarceration 2021 1 hour 33 minutes 46 seconds Curated Compilations
War at a Distance 2003 54 minutes Single Titles
Workers Leaving the Factory 1995 36 minutes Single Titles