"In this eight-minute video work, we are given nonnarrative footage sutured together to form a fragmented, hallucinatory sensation.
Audacious romanticism displays gardens fueled by the human heart where feelings blossom amid leaf and brick.
Subtitled "The Refusenik", "The Zealot", and "The Father", this video takes us on a journey where Germans, Turks, Israelis, Palestinians, fathers, grandmothers, daughters and animals are together for 13 minutes.
This moving video portrait follows a group of teenage boys who attend the Masada School, a school for juvenile delinquents and social misfits.
Undefeated is about mobility and immobility, or just trying to stay warm. Featuring DeCarrio Couley shadowboxing to the rhythm of a hand–cranked Bolex.
Cast: DeCarrio Couley, James Everson.
To Start / From Finish features the motorcycle racing scene at the Santa Fe Speedway–a now defunct speedway in Illinois.
“Trypps Number Three transports the documented transcendence of Jean Rouch's Les Maîtres Fous from the Hauka movement to a Lightning Bolt concert where overlapping bodies, swaying to noise rock, are fram
Turistas deals with the letdown of a world that is pre-mediated and post-digested—a video travelling guide that updates the 19th century artist's Grand Tour and downgrades it to 21st century not-so-Grand status.
The violent surgical act of a boy’s circumcision is contradicted by the peacefulness of his facial expression. Proud to join the world of men, the boy is trying his best to be brave. Yet can the passage to adulthood be that simple?
The scene: the industrial neighborhood of Gowanus, Brooklyn.
The players: wind, a flooded road, passersby, and birds...
The time: shortly before the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
"Inspired by Ralph Hocking's fish biting video. Eighty-seven stones thrown, volumes shifting of water sound, a real time performance event. Holding the camera and throwing 87 stones into the frame. 1/2" reel to reel Sony portapack."
This husband and wife team has collaborated on numerous projects in the U.S.and abroad. Their approach to making art involves finding solutions to ecological problems.
Images of friends and landscapes are cut, fragmented, and reassembled on an overhead projector as hands guide their shape and construction in this film stemming from Hollis Frampton’s Nostalgia.
"I brought live reptiles, birds of prey and exotic flowers to a very stereotyped and neglected section of the city of St.
This is the state of mind in the post-Covid quarantine. This is the state of the images in the pandemic vortex. This is our post-Covid screen. The constant monitoring of a global demonic and satanic presence.
Dennis Adams (b. 1948) is an American conceptual artist whose work includes photography, text, and installation. Adams is best known for his projects involving structures placed in urban bus shelters, uncompromisingly inserted into the public sphere.
Its dream-like unfolding, amid the imposing titular Mexican landscape, results from a randomizing strategy modeled on the "Exquisite Corpse" parlor game adopted by the Surrealists of the 1920s.
Sitting at an altar decorated with a kitsch collection of cultural fetish items, and wearing a border patrolman’s jacket decorated with buttons, bananas, beads, and shells, Gómez-Peña delivers a sly and bitter indictment of U.S.
Torn over the pressure to perform for his audience, Acconci fantasizes about "a dancing bear" who takes his place, performing in the spotlight, doing what others want, "what I always had to do." The viewer is placed in the position of an authority
After the screening of his film Wai'á rini, the power of dream in other Xavante villages, the people of Aldeia Nova from the São Marcos reservation asked Divino to make a film on the same ritual, the Wai'á ceremony.
Horizontes incorporates scenes from a popular Cuban soap opera with running commentary in the form of a propagandistic advertising text.
A minimal, suggestive narrative about a summer trip to the Jersey Shore, fictionalized by subtraction.
I loved and was haunted by Jon Krakauer’s book Into the Wild and found Sean Penn’s cinematic adaptation to be absurdly overwrought. My original plan for condensing it was to string together all of its grandiose slow-motion shots.
Pixilated, an archaic word meaning enchanted, bewitched, magical, insane, and the stop frame animation of objects and people.
Wittnerchrome, Exacto Knife, Fishing Line, Sewing Machine
A series of unnatural deaths and departures (almost all, of men) disrupts the lives of nine families sharing an apartment building in Jerusalem.
Filmed in June 1998 at the Whitney Museum of American Art and produced by the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts/Dance Collection. Breath is a creative archive project of Eiko & Koma’s living installation of the same
Rosie Cutler, a middle school lunch lady, and TJ Fortune, a outcast student, have an unusual relationship.
"I asked the inmates in my Art Group on the HIV/AIDS unit - Del Norte to talk about their experiences from the womb to the present moment. Here are their stories."
–Wendy Clarke
In a tape that stands out as one of the earliest examples of the use of appropriated television footage, Freed assembles a collage of images representing American media icons, from Mickey Mouse and Richard Nixon, to The Wizard of Oz and the Rol
A newly re-mastered collection of 17 vignettes and performances to camera, produced during 1974-75. Some use props and sight gags to preposterous effect; others star Man Ray, lapping milk from a glass, stopping marbles and dropping balls.
A Prayer For Nettie dramatizes the death of an elderly woman who was Cumming’s photographic model from 1982 to 1993, presenting an improvised series of prayers and memorials for Nettie Harris by people who knew her, and some who did not.
This Is Not Beirut is a personal project that examines the use and production of images and representations of Lebanon and Beirut, both in the West and in Lebanon itself.
"Scenes from meetings within a company which advises corporations how to design their offices -- and the work done there. The film shows that words are not just tools, they have become an object of speculation."
-- Harun Farocki
An episode from a Lebanese TV series entitled "Image + Sound." Each episode in this groundbreaking series is based on paralleling TV news images alongside staged even
An experiment in placing lesbian sexuality in its most common environment, daily life.
Stasi is an audiovisual recall of the political and social substrates that sustain an actual system of images. Stasi is a recall of a system of images that, even now, dominates the global gaze of the world.
Through a catalogue of looks, movements, and gestures, Mayhem presents a social order run amok in a libidinous retracing of film noir conventions.
A montage of architecture and cabaret, juxtaposing a second hand view of New York as refracted through this artist's eyes.
"You always have to be careful. You always have to have the shower backward in order to see the water, which means you better watch out, or you might electrify, or electrocute your stars.
Painter Peter Saul’s iconoclastic paintings parody various aspects of contemporary American life, from politics to sex to violence.
Recently I found myself rising from a forced landing on the floor after being catapulted into the air by an exercise machine and bouncing off the dresser.
In Home Tape Revised, Benglis took a portable tape recorder with her when she visited her family in Louisiana.
"You don't have to go to Hawaii to be in Hawaii. Nor do you have to be sensual to feel sensual. You look the way you are supposed to look. The sensuality of Hawaii completely fascinates me in this video."
—Ximena Cuevas
Public Discourse is an in-depth study of illegal installation art. The primary focus is on the painting of street signs, advertising manipulation, metal welding, postering and guerrilla art, all performed illegally.
Removing keyframes from a digital version of John Ford's The Searchers, Baron and Goodwin attack the film's temporal structuring to render a kinetic “painted desert” of the West. The dust kicked up by the movement in the film is pure pixel, unanchored from the photographic realism that used to constrain it.
The artist Bruce Conner is featured in this videotape which bounces east and west, depicting the fragility of holistic hooligans in a world of hit-and-run encounters, Prozac, and pizzas. A meditation on faulty plumbing and paradise lost...
A two-part study of the self-sustaining lifestyle of a communal farm in Vermont.
A Walk with Nigel is a video essay that constructs a dialogue between two artists from two different times, between movement and stillness, between speech and silence.