Single Artist Compilations are surveys of an artists moving image work.
Title Sort Title Artists Year Runtime
Hester Scheurwater Videoworks: Volume 1 Scheurwater, Hester Videoworks: Volume 1 scheurwate 2004 00:20:05
Semiconductor Videoworks: Volume 1 Semiconductor Videoworks: Volume 1 semiconduc 2012 00:30:36
Hotel Diaries: John Smith Smith, John: Hotel Diaries smithj 2005 01:11:18
John Smith: Program 1 Smith, John: Program 1 smithj 2002 00:48:00
John Smith: Program 2 Smith, John: Program 2 smithj 2002 01:21:00
Bob Snyder: Sound and Video 1975-1990 Snyder, Bob: Sound and Video 1975-1990 snyderb 1990 00:54:00
The Sun Quartet Sun Quartet Full, The colectivol 2017 01:00:26
The Surface Tension Trilogy Surface Tension Trilogy, The rosenfeldl 2014 01:05:25
Susan Mogul Videoworks: The Woman's Building Susan Mogul Videoworks: The Woman's Building moguls 2014 00:39:00
Suzie Silver Videoworks: Volume 1 Suzie Silver Videoworks: Volume 1 silvers_002 2015 00:34:15
Sympathetic Vibrations: The Videoworks of Paul Kos Sympathetic Vibrations: The Videoworks of Paul Kos kosp 2016 01:07:00
The American Tapes: Tales of Immigration The American Tapes: Tales of Immigration hockl 2013 03:48:02
The Death Tapes The Death Tapes montanol 2017 02:54:24
The Diaspora Suite The Diaspora Suite asilie 2019 01:17:20
The Hundred Videos The Hundred Videos reinkes 1996 04:38:43
The Mexican Tapes: A Chronicle of Life Outside the Law The Mexican Tapes hockl 1997 03:41:00
They Live Series They Live colectivol 2021 00:13:23
Jennet Thomas: 6 pieces from my head Thomas, Jennet: 6 pieces from my head thomasj 2002 00:43:20
Tin Drum Trilogy Tin Drum Trilogy chanp 2009 01:51:30
Touch Parade Touch Parade burnsa 2011 00:31:35
Tran, T. Kim-Trang: The Blindness Series Tran, T. Kim-Trang: The Blindness Series trantkimtr 2009 02:20:25
Tuned In, Turned On! Videofreex Tape the World Tuned In, Turned On! Videofreex Tape the World videofreex 2011 01:12:07
Two Movies Two Movies kucharm 2019 00:20:00
Stephen Varble: Videoworks Varble: Videoworks, Stephen varbles 2020 03:57:02
The Variations Variations, The tarragop 2021 00:29:23
Video Animations Video Animations gruffats 2009 00:47:16
Lawrence Weiner: Hearts and Helicopters - A Trilogy Weiner, Lawrence: Hearts and Helicopters - A Trilogy weinerl 2000 00:52:25
Lawrence Weiner: There are Things that Move Outside of Motion Weiner, Lawrence: There are Things that Move Outside of Motion weinerl 2001 00:14:00
A Woman Who...: Selected Works of Yvonne Rainer Woman Who...: Selected Works of Yvonne Rainer, A rainery, atlasc 2005 02:11:00
A Woman Who...: Selected Works of Yvonne Rainer Woman Who...: Selected Works of Yvonne Rainer, A rainery, atlasc 2005 02:11:00
The World of George Kuchar World of George Kuchar, The kucharg 2006 09:31:22
The Writers Series Writers Series, The doughertyc 2012 00:41:00