Take a peek at scenes extracted from a videomaker's life.
In astronomical terminology ‘redshift’ is a term used in calculating the age of stars by measuring their distance from the Earth.
D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is a hyper-war waged on over 20 million children in the United States. Despite overwhelming evidence of its educational ineffectiveness, D.A.R.E.
Ike is about a person showing their special gift — if pushed. The truth, fiction and lore of a brick thrower with deadly accurate aim.
Cast: Deondre “Champ” Jones, Derron Everson, Anthony Jerrell Jones.
As a foulness shall ye know Them. Their hand is at your throats, yet ye see Them not; and Their habitation is even one with your guarded threshold. The wind gibbers with Their voices, and the earth mutters with Their consciousness.
In a version of the “teenage diary,” Benning places her feelings of confusion and depression alongside grisly tales from tabloid headlines and brutal events in her neighborhood.
Conversations is a live Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) work realized at the Centro Cultural Três Rios [Três Rios Cultural Center], in São Paulo, on November 17th, 1987.
This is actually a rather warm, Xmas greeting which features some thawed items in full action as the Yuletide logs flicker and forks plunge earthward toward smoking piles of nourishment.
Home Movies Gaza introduces us to the Gaza Strip as a mircrocosm for the failure of civilization.
"There are three scenes in this work, all reflecting a changing sense of time. Each has a voiceover soundtrack with a similar structure, but with different information.
Using a Super-8 camera, Henricks employs time-lapse photography to document the interior and exterior of his apartment.
In response to the 1994 Republican campaign Contract with America that ushered in the first GOP House majority in over 42 years, Ligorano Reese screen printed men’s and women’s cotton briefs with the face of Newt Gingrich on the crotch a
In El Gringo, viewers experience the discomfort of being an outsider when the camera is confronted by a pack of snarling dogs.
As a foulness shall ye know Them. Their hand is at your throats, yet ye see Them not; and Their habitation is even one with your guarded threshold. The wind gibbers with Their voices, and the earth mutters with Their consciousness.
In these two videos, Cumming investigates the worlds of a pair of abject heroes, Colin and Pierre, one a recovering alcoholic, the other an addict.
Allan Trachtenberg is one of the most esteemed figures in contemporary photographic history and cultural studies. He received an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Emeritus Fellowship for his continuing work on Wright Morris. Other honors include fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Guggenheim Foundation. Trachtenberg is the Neil Gray, Jr. Professor Emeritus of English and American studies at Yale University, where he taught for thirty-five years.
In this episode of Glennda and Friends, Glennda Orgasm and Mark Allen drink at Marie's Crisis Café, a piano bar in Manhattan.
Since the early 1970s, Rackstraw Downes has committed himself to painting from observation, on site, from start to finish. He has painted both urban and rural landscapes, as well as interior spaces, in New York, Texas, and Maine.
The word-based art and performances crafted by world-renowned artist Alison Knowles (b.1933) are central to the 1960s international Fluxus movement and its enduring legacy.
There has to be a way to win is the refrain. Three women fold clothes, stroll and shop as they discuss jealousy, murder and dead bodies. An enquiry into the generosity of women.
Players: Trina Vester, Karin Westerlund, Lise Kelleman.
The set of Bewitched is a spiritual battleground of overlapping zones — human, alien and cyborg — in Bobby Abate's latest ontological mystery film.
A vain, self centered mother competes with her daughter in the world of carnivorous men and sleazy movies.
Wu Tsang is a filmmaker, visual artist, and performer who incorporates strategies of activism, art making, event planning, and stage production across a range of multi-disciplinary projects.
Goodbye Thelma synthesizes footage from the 1991 film Thelma & Louise with footage of the author’s own making to create a mysterious, and at times disturbing, exploration of traveling alone.
This archival film remixes the systemic violence and power throughout the 1984 National Day Parade, the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests, and the 2014 Umbrella Movement.
Eric Siegel, a child prodigy in electronics, built his first TV set out of scrap parts at the age of 14.
Ring attempts to exhibit the “sweet science” of boxing in an elegant way.
This humorous video begins with two women—one white, the other Asian—attempting to fit into a Japanese bathtub.
Sunstone tracks Fresnel lenses from their site of production to their exhibition in a museum of lighthouses and navigational devices.
The latest in Marie Losier's ongoing series of film portraits of avant-garde directors (George and Mike Kuchar, Guy Maddin, Richard Foreman), DreaMinimalist offers an insightful and hilarious encounter with Conrad as he sings, dances and remembers his y
A voyage into the labyrinthine memories of a Uitoto man, who worked for the drug Lords in the Colombian Amazon back in the 80s.
Video Data Bank is proud to present the wonderful work of artist Laura Parnes.
In this rare and humorous record of the art dialogue of the late 1960s, Holt and "guest" Robert Smithson assume opposing artistic viewpoints: the uptight, intellectual New Yorker versus the laid-back Californian.
You live somewhere, walk down the same street 50, 100, 10,000 times, each time taking in fragments, but never fully registering THE PLACE. Years, decades go by and you continue, unseeing, possibly unseen.
This video highlights several narratives concerning video surveillance—not to reiterate the conventional privacy argument but rather to engage the desire to watch surveillance materials and society’s insatiable voyeurism.
System failure: A man repeats the story of a prison stabbing as something goes wrong with the tape.
Estelle Jussim (1928-2004) was regarded as one of the most influential voices in photography and media. An art historian and a communications theorist, Jussim wrote extensively about photographers, movements, and institutions, incorporating postmodern, deconstructionist, and feminist viewpoints in her many writings without being hemmed in by any one critical ideology. Jussim was the award-winning author of Slave to Beauty and the pioneering Visual Communication and the Graphic Arts, which charted new ground in the investigation of the meaning of images.
Vito Acconci (b. 1940) is known as a conceptual designer, installation and performance artist.
The first twelve minutes features Phil keying his own image over his left eye (right on the screen), where he smokes and performs various facial gestures.
An upside-down close-up of the artist’s mouth, Nauman repeats the words “lip sync” as the audio track shifts in and out of sync with the video.
"The films of John Smith conduct a serious investigation into the combination of sound and image, but with a sense of humour that reaches out beyond the traditional avant-garde audience.
Tired of underworld and overworld alike, Isis escourts her favorite son on their final curtain call down the Nile, leaving a neon wake of shattered tombs and sparkling sarcophagi.
Over 6,000 gold prospectors invade the reserve of the Nambiquara of Sararé, and loggers raid the mahogany-rich forests, which are threatened by extinction.
Animated Contingencies is an animated documentary that looks at how sketches take the place of photography in courtroom settings.
In Shelly Silver’s frog spider hand horse house, the effort of all things to keep existing has been observed by someone with a camera who seems, as far as personality goes, to be no one.
®™ark is an organization dedicated to bringing anti-corporate subversion and sabotage into the public marketplace.
Rong Xiang is a work on architectural replicas, piracy and its consequences. It is a comparison of LeCorbusier's chapel Notre Dame Du Hautin Ronchamp, France with its exact replica in Zhengzhou, Henan province East China.
In Biemann’s film, she traces the routes and reasons of women who travel across the globe for work in the sex industry. By using the latest images from NASA satellites, the film investigates the consequences of the U.S.
These films were made from The New York Times newspaper articles. The semi - automated animation process resulted in sentence recombinations that sometimes made sense while randomly emphasizing certain words and images.
Alone in an Oklahoma motel room with a mute companion, the talkative one speaks the language of memory as pussycats feast from a canned cornucopia.