Displaying 100 of 394 artists starting with S
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Artist(s) Year TRT Collection
Sabda Daniel Reeves 1984 00:15:00 Single Titles
Sabotaging Spring
Sabotaging Spring Joe Gibbons 1991 00:10:00 Single Titles
Joe Sacco: An Interview
Joe Sacco: An Interview Video Data Bank 2001 00:55:53 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Sacred Places Mike Kuchar 2019 00:24:26 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Sad Disco Fantasia
Sad Disco Fantasia Steve Reinke 2001 00:24:00 Single Titles
Saddle Sores
Saddle Sores Vanalyne Green 1999 00:20:00 Single Titles
Safe Sound
Safe Sound Ziad Antar 2006 00:09:50 Single Titles
Saga of Magda
Saga of Magda George Kuchar 1990 00:18:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Sahara Chronicle
Sahara Chronicle Ursula Biemann 2007 00:51:14 Single Titles
Salomé, Hans Breder
Salomé Hans Breder 2015 00:44:00 Single Titles
Sample City
Sample City Călin Dan 2003 00:11:45 Single Titles
Juan Sanchez: An Interview
Juan Sanchez: An Interview Video Data Bank 1990 00:45:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Dan Sandin: An Interview
Dan Sandin: An Interview Video Data Bank 1980 00:18:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past Steve Reinke 2017 01:14:55 Compilations, Curated Compilations
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past Jesse McLean 2017 01:14:55 Compilations, Curated Compilations
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past Walid Raad 2017 01:14:55 Compilations, Curated Compilations
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past Souheil Bachar 2017 01:14:55 Compilations, Curated Compilations
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past Ximena Cuevas 2017 01:14:55 Compilations, Curated Compilations
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past
Sandwiched Between Trauma and Apocalypse: history as it intersects with biography and the rewriting of the past Paul Chan 2017 01:14:55 Compilations, Curated Compilations
Sapphire and the Slave Girl
Sapphire and the Slave Girl Leah Franklin Gilliam 1995 00:18:20 Single Titles
Sarah Schulman: An Interview
Sarah Schulman: An Interview Video Data Bank 2018 01:18:37 Interviews, On Art and Artists
Satellite Nelson Henricks 2004 00:06:00 Single Titles
Satellite TV: Birth of an Industry (Parts 1 & 2)
Satellite TV: Birth of an Industry (Parts 1 & 2) Liza Béar 1980 00:56:00 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Saturno
Saturno Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:03:28 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Sauerbruch Hutton Architects
Sauerbruch Hutton Architects Harun Farocki 2013 01:12:44 Single Titles
Peter Saul: What Follows...
Peter Saul: What Follows... University of Colorado 1989 00:30:00 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Say Yes to No
Say Yes to No George Kuchar 1989 00:11:30 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Scanners 1
Scanners 1 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 00:04:23 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Scanners 3
Scanners 3 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 00:04:24 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Scanners 6
Scanners 6 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 00:04:23 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Scarlet Droppings
Scarlet Droppings George Kuchar 1991 00:15:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Scene
Scene Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:01:08 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Scenes from an endless war (2001-2002)
Scenes from an endless war (2001-2002) Norman Cowie 2002 00:32:00 Single Titles
Scenes From the Microwar
Scenes From the Micro-War Sherry Millner 1985 00:23:30 Single Titles
Scenes From the Microwar
Scenes From the Micro-War Ernest Larsen 1985 00:23:30 Single Titles
A Scenic Harvest from the Kingdom of Pain
A Scenic Harvest from the Kingdom of Pain Jonathan Reiss 1984 00:43:57 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Miriam Schapiro: An Interview
Miriam Schapiro: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1976 00:43:45 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Richard Schechner: An Interview
Richard Schechner: An Interview Video Data Bank 1989 00:38:00 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Hester Scheurwater Videoworks: Volume 2
Hester Scheurwater Videoworks: Volume 2 Hester Scheurwater 2012 00:18:11 Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
Hester Scheurwater Videoworks: Volume 1
Hester Scheurwater Videoworks: Volume 1 Hester Scheurwater 2004 00:20:05 Single Artist Compilations
Schist, Rima Yamazaki
Schist Rima Yamazaki 2024 00:14:58 New Releases, Single Titles
Peter Schjeldahl: An Interview
Peter Schjeldahl: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1982 00:46:20 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Schlafbau Helen Mirra 1995 00:14:30 Single Titles
School Fag
School Fag Richard Fung 1998 00:16:35 Single Titles
Score for Joanna Kotze
Score for Joanna Kotze Shelly Silver 2019 00:04:16 Single Titles
The Script, Akram Zaatari
The Script Akram Zaatari 2018 00:06:30 Single Titles
Tiffany Sia and Yuri Pattison, SEA - SHIPPING - SUN
SEA - SHIPPING - SUN Tiffany Sia 2021 00:11:51 New Releases, Single Titles
Tiffany Sia and Yuri Pattison, SEA - SHIPPING - SUN
SEA - SHIPPING - SUN Yuri Pattison 2021 00:11:51 New Releases, Single Titles
Sea in the Blood
Sea in the Blood Richard Fung 2000 00:26:00 Single Titles
The Sea is History
The Sea is History Louis Henderson 2016 00:28:00 Single Titles
Eiko Otake, Seagulls
Seagulls Eiko Otake 2021 00:01:59 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Search Olga Gold
Search Olga Gold Paul Kos 1973 00:06:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
SeaSide Show
SeaSide Show George Kuchar 2008 00:20:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Season of Sorrow
Season of Sorrow George Kuchar 1996 00:12:23 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Seattle: Hidden Histories
Seattle: Hidden Histories Martha Rosler 1995 00:13:08 Single Titles
Second and Lee
Second and Lee Kevin Jerome Everson 2008 00:03:00 Single Titles
A Second Quarter
A Second Quarter Lawrence Weiner 1975 01:28:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Second Sighted
Second Sighted Deborah Stratman 2014 00:05:05 Single Titles
Secret Horror
Secret Horror Michael Smith 1980 00:14:00 Single Titles
Secret Love
Secret Love Paul Bush 2002 00:03:30 Single Titles
Secrets from the Street: No Disclosure
Secrets from the Street: No Disclosure Martha Rosler 1980 00:12:27 Single Titles
Secrets of the Shadow World
Secrets of the Shadow World George Kuchar 1999 02:20:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Security Anthem
Security Anthem Kent Lambert 2003 00:03:30 Single Titles
Seduction of a Cyborg
Seduction of a Cyborg Lynn Hershman Leeson 1994 00:06:00 Single Titles
See a Dog, Hear a Dog
See a Dog, Hear a Dog Jesse McLean 2016 00:17:42 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Seeds
Seeds Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2023 00:10:54 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Seeing / Hearing / Speaking
Seeing / Hearing / Speaking Takahiko iimura 2003 00:29:09 Single Artist Compilations
Seize Control of the Taj Mahal
Seize Control of the Taj Mahal Glenn Belverio 1991 00:29:00 Single Titles
Wegman Works
Selected Works (Dog Duet, Used Car Salesman, Dog Biscuit in Glass Jar) William Wegman 1972 00:08:20 Single Titles
Selected Works: Chip Lord
Selected Works: Chip Lord Chip Lord 1984 00:27:39 Single Titles
Selected Works: Reel 1
Selected Works: Reel 1 William Wegman 1970 00:30:12 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Selected Works: Reel 2
Selected Works: Reel 2 William Wegman 1972 00:19:42 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Selected Works: Reel 3
Selected Works: Reel 3 William Wegman 1973 00:21:41 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Selected Works: Reel 4
Selected Works: Reel 4 William Wegman 1973 00:20:33 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Selected Works: Reel 5
Selected Works: Reel 5 William Wegman 1974 00:30:20 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Selected Works: Reel 6
Selected Works: Reel 6 William Wegman 1975 00:19:38 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Selected Works: Reel 7
Selected Works: Reel 7 William Wegman 1976 00:18:06 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Selections from the Five Day Bicycle Race (Image Union)
Selections from the Five Day Bicycle Race (Image Union) Videofreex 1976 01:01:04 Videofreex Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Selfie
Selfie Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2021 00:09:04 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Semiconductor Videoworks: Volume 1
Semiconductor Videoworks: Volume 1 Semiconductor 2012 00:30:36 Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Semiotic Ghost
Semiotic Ghost Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 00:01:49 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Semiotics of the Kitchen
Semiotics of the Kitchen Martha Rosler 1975 00:06:09 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Semiotics of the Kitchen: An Audition
Semiotics of the Kitchen: An Audition Martha Rosler 2011 00:09:44 Single Titles
Send/Receive I, and Send/Receive II
Send/Receive I, and Send/Receive II Keith Sonnier 1977 01:01:40 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Send/Receive I, and Send/Receive II
Send/Receive I, and Send/Receive II Liza Béar 1977 01:01:40 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Shuddhabrata Sengupta: An Interview
Shuddhabrata Sengupta: An Interview Video Data Bank 2006 00:36:46 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Sensemayá
Sensemayá Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2021 00:07:02 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Sentences, Sara Magenheimer
Sentences Sara Magenheimer 2022 00:26:26 Single Titles
Angelo Madsen Minax, Separation of the Earth (By Fire)
Separation of the Earth (By Fire) Angelo Madsen 2015 00:05:40 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Sequence
Sequence Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:03:02 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Serial Kisser (Beijoquiero)
Serial Kisser (Beijoquiero) Carlos Nader 1993 00:29:00 Single Titles
Andres Serrano: What Follows...
Andres Serrano: What Follows... University of Colorado 1991 00:31:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
SEVEN (Virginia Wolf)
SEVEN (Virginia Wolf) Tom Kalin 2000 00:00:30 Single Titles
Seven Signs That Mean Silence
Seven Signs That Mean Silence Sara Magenheimer 2013 00:10:48 Single Titles
Seven Spiritual Lives of Linda M. Montano Linda Mary Montano 1996 00:13:40 Single Titles
The Seven Stages of Intoxication
The Seven Stages of Intoxication Linda Mary Montano 1995 00:33:33 Single Titles
The SEVEN Wonders, Paul Tarragó
The SEVEN Wonders Paul Tarragó 2012 00:19:36 Single Titles
Sex Bowl
Sex Bowl Shu Lea Cheang 1994 00:07:43 Single Titles
Sex Fish
Sex Fish Shu Lea Cheang 1993 00:06:00 Single Titles
Sex, Love & Kung Fu
Sex, Love & Kung Fu Kip Fulbeck 2000 00:07:00 Single Titles