Displaying 100 of 126 artists starting with R
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Artist(s) Year TRT Collection
Raccoon, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
Raccoon Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2024 00:04:46 New Releases, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Rackstraw Downes: a painter
Rackstraw Downes: a painter Rima Yamazaki 2014 00:39:34 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Radical Closure
Radical Closure 2010 05:36:57 Box Sets, Curated Compilations
Radical Closure, Program 1: The Captives
Radical Closure, Program 1: The Captives 2010 01:29:02 Curated Compilations
Radical Closure, Program 2: War/The Visible Signs
Radical Closure, Program 2: War/The Visible Signs 2010 01:10:45 Curated Compilations
Radical Closure, Program 3: At the Border
Radical Closure, Program 3: At the Border 2010 00:58:55 Curated Compilations
Radical Closure, Program 4: Intensive Care
Radical Closure, Program 4: Intensive Care 2010 00:54:00 Curated Compilations
Radical Closure, Program 5: The Trace That Remains
Radical Closure, Program 5: The Trace That Remains 2010 01:04:15 Curated Compilations
Rage, Doug Hall
Rage Doug Hall 2020 00:03:18 Single Titles
Rainer Variations
Rainer Variations Charles Atlas 2002 00:41:30 Single Titles
Rainy Season
Rainy Season George Kuchar 1987 00:28:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
The Rainy Season
The Rainy Season Video in the Villages 2000 00:38:00 Single Titles
Ram Dass Lecture, Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive
Ram Dass Lecture Phil Morton 1975 03:04:41 Phil Morton Memorial Research Archive, Single Titles
Ramona:  Birth of a Mis-ce-ge-Nation
Ramona: Birth of a Mis-ce-ge-Nation David Avalos 1991 00:20:00 Single Titles
Ramp Paul Kos 1980 00:02:07 Single Titles
Rancho Roulette
Rancho Roulette George Kuchar 1994 00:58:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Edward Rankus, Ed Rankus Videoworks: Volume 1
Ed Rankus Videoworks: Volume 1 Edward Rankus 1998 00:56:00 Single Artist Compilations
Rapport Filipa César 2007 00:16:40 Single Titles
Rara Avis
Rara Avis Eduardo Kac 1996 00:02:44 Single Titles
RatNest Mike Kuchar 2014 00:20:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Eiko & Koma, Raven
Raven Eiko & Koma 2010 00:15:21 Eiko & Koma, Single Titles
Arlene Raven: An Interview
Arlene Raven: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1979 00:40:39 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Ray's Birds
Ray's Birds Deborah Stratman 2010 00:07:00 Single Titles
Re Joyce: Joyce Neimanas
Re Joyce: Joyce Neimanas Scott Rankin 2014 01:01:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Re Joyce: Joyce Neimanas
Re Joyce: Joyce Neimanas Linda Upton 2014 01:01:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Re-Animation 3, 4 & 2
Re-Animation 3, 4 & 2 Kaipo Newhouse 2003 00:01:30 Single Titles
RE:THE_OPERATION Paul Chan 2002 00:27:30 Single Titles
Reading Lips
Reading Lips Lawrence Weiner 1997 00:11:49 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Reading Lips
Reading Lips Steen Møller Rasmussen 1997 00:11:49 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Real Birds
Real Birds Jem Cohen 2011 00:11:00 Single Titles
reanimator, Paul Tarragó
reanimator Paul Tarragó 2004 00:01:51 Single Titles
Recitation Dani Leventhal ReStack 2007 00:02:00 Single Titles
Reckless Eyeballing, Christopher Harris
Reckless Eyeballing Christopher Harris 2004 00:14:00 Single Titles
RECKONING 3 Kent Lambert 2014 00:11:14 Single Titles
RECKONING 4 Kent Lambert 2016 00:10:00 Single Titles
RECKONING 7 Kent Lambert 2019 00:04:33 Single Titles
Reclamation, Thirza Cuthand
Reclamation Theo J. Cuthand 2018 00:13:11 Single Titles
Reconstructed Recitation: Exercise 6
Reconstructed Recitation: Exercise 6 Les LeVeque 2013 00:05:32 Single Titles
Rectangular Update
Rectangular Update Peer Bode 1981 00:03:12 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Eiko Otake, Red
Red Eiko Otake 2016 00:23:30 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Red Boat Crossing, Jeanne Finley
Red Boat Crossing Jeanne C. Finley 2024 00:38:55 New Releases, Single Titles
Red Chewing Gum
Red Chewing Gum Akram Zaatari 2000 00:10:45 Single Titles
Reconstruction Trilogy:  Les LeVeque
Red Green Blue Gone with the Wind Les LeVeque 2001 00:11:45 Single Titles
Red House, Barry Doupé
Red House Barry Doupé 2022 00:03:00 New Releases, Single Titles
Eiko Otake, Red in Cathedral
Red in Cathedral Eiko Otake 2017 00:03:53 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Red Note, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
Red Note Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2024 00:02:14 New Releases, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Red Psalm
Red Psalm Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:04:34 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
The Red Tapes
The Red Tapes Vito Acconci 1976 02:20:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
The Redhead from Riverside Terrace
The Redhead from Riverside Terrace George Kuchar 1991 00:26:30 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Redshift, Emily Richardson
Redshift Emily Richardson 2001 00:03:57 Single Titles
Reflection Paul Kos 1998 00:11:11 Single Titles
Reflection Akram Zaatari 1998 00:11:11 Single Titles
Reframe Nazli Dinçel 2009 00:04:00 Single Titles
Regarding the Pain of Others, Ken Kobland
Regarding the Pain of Others Ken Kobland 2020 00:11:35 Single Titles
Regarding the Pain of Susan Sontag (Notes on Camp)
Regarding the Pain of Susan Sontag (Notes on Camp) Steve Reinke 2006 00:04:00 Single Titles
John Smith: Program 2
Regression John Smith 1999 00:17:00 Single Titles
Germán Bobe, Religión
Religión Germán Bobe 1990 00:02:28 Single Titles
Remote Jesse McLean 2011 00:11:00 Single Titles
Remote Control
Remote Control Vito Acconci 1971 01:02:15 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Remote Sensing, Ursula Biemann
Remote Sensing Ursula Biemann 2001 00:53:00 Single Titles
Remy/Grand Central Trains and Boats and Planes
Remy/Grand Central Trains and Boats and Planes Dara Birnbaum 1980 00:04:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Requiem for an Ice Baby, Paul Tarragó
Requiem for an Ice Baby Paul Tarragó 1992 00:06:52 Single Titles
Rescue Parables
Rescue Parables HalfLifers 1994 00:04:30 Single Titles
Resident of Earth, Paul Tarragó
Resident of Earth Paul Tarragó 2005 00:15:01 Single Titles
Milton Resnick: An Interview
Milton Resnick: An Interview Video Data Bank 1988 00:58:15 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Resonance
Resonance Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:04:02 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Respite Harun Farocki 2007 00:39:33 Single Titles
Camilo Restrepo: An Interview
Camilo Restrepo: An Interview Video Data Bank 2018 01:14:25 On Art and Artists, Interviews, Single Titles
Resumé Germán Bobe 1994 00:09:00 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Resurrection
Resurrection Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:07:32 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Eiko & Koma, The Retrospective Project
The Retrospective Project Eiko & Koma 2012 00:10:14 Eiko & Koma, Single Titles
Return of the Black Tower
Return of the Black Tower Jennet Thomas 2007 00:15:50 Single Titles
Return to Rescueworld
Return to Rescueworld HalfLifers 1996 00:07:30 Single Titles
Return to the House of Pain
Return to the House of Pain George Kuchar 1988 00:27:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Reunion in Los Angeles
Reunion in Los Angeles George Kuchar 1985 01:08:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Reverse Big Brother
Reverse Big Brother Paul Garrin 1990 00:01:00 Single Titles
Reversed Mirror
Reversed Mirror Eduardo Kac 1997 00:06:54 Single Titles
rEVOLUTION: Notes for the Invasion: mar mar march
rEVOLUTION: Notes for the Invasion: mar mar march Paul Kos 1972 00:02:10 Single Titles
Revolve Nancy Holt 1977 01:16:52 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Crystal Z Campbell, REVOLVER
REVOLVER Crystal Z Campbell 2022 00:17:27 New Releases, Single Titles
Revolving Upside Down
Revolving Upside Down Bruce Nauman 1968 01:00:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Rib Gets In the Way
Rib Gets In the Way Steve Reinke 2014 00:52:15 Single Titles
One on One: Ricky and Cecelia
One on One: Ricky and Cecelia Wendy Clarke 1992 00:29:00 Single Titles
Ricky's Magic
Ricky's Magic Videofreex 1971 00:17:50 Videofreex Archive, Single Titles
Riley, Roily, River
Riley, Roily, River Paul Kos 1975 00:01:30 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Ring Kevin Jerome Everson 2008 00:01:30 Single Titles
Ring Modulation
Ring Modulation Peer Bode 1978 00:08:14 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Angelo Madsen Minax, Riot Acts: Flaunting Gender Deviance in Music Performance
Riot Acts: Flaunting Gender Deviance in Music Performance Angelo Madsen 2009 01:12:00 Single Titles
The Riot Tapes
The Riot Tapes Ilene Segalove 1984 00:30:00 Single Titles
Rising 5th, Emily Richardson
Rising 5th Emily Richardson 2013 00:05:30 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, The Rite
The Rite Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2020 00:06:45 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Ritual
Ritual Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2023 00:15:49 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Ritual by Rote, Cynthia Madansky
Ritual by Rote Cynthia Madansky 2001 00:04:06 Single Titles
River Rites
River Rites Ben Russell 2011 00:11:23 Single Titles
River Sky
River Sky George Barber 2001 00:05:45 Single Titles
The Roach is Coming, Derrick Woods-Morrow
The Roach is Coming Derrick Woods-Morrow 2018 00:15:22 Single Titles
Tiffany Sia, A Road Movie is Impossible in Hong Kong
A Road Movie is Impossible in Hong Kong Tiffany Sia 2021 00:30:00 Single Titles
Roam Sweet Home
Roam Sweet Home Ellen Spiro 1996 00:58:00 Single Titles
Robot Love
Robot Love Hilary Harp 2008 00:03:45 Single Titles
Robot Love
Robot Love Suzie Silver 2008 00:03:45 Single Titles