Displaying 100 of 247 artists starting with B
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Artist(s) Year TRT Collection
B & B
B & B John Smith 2005 00:06:00 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Baal
Baal Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2022 00:04:52 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Baba de Perico (Parrot's Saliva)
Baba de Perico (Parrot's Saliva) Ximena Cuevas 1999 00:01:32 Single Titles
Babeldom Paul Bush 2012 00:09:00 Single Titles
Baby Hester Scheurwater 2006 00:01:48 Single Titles
The Backup Tapes from Moon and Mars
The Backup Tapes from Moon and Mars eteam 2013 00:33:43 Single Titles
Backwards Birth of a Nation
Backwards Birth of a Nation Les LeVeque 2000 00:13:07 Single Titles
Backyard Economy I
Backyard Economy I Martha Rosler 1974 00:03:26 Single Titles
Backyard Economy II (Diane Germain Mowing)
Backyard Economy II (Diane Germain Mowing) Martha Rosler 1974 00:06:32 Single Titles
Bad Grrrls
Bad Grrrls Glenn Belverio 1993 00:29:00 Single Titles
BAGHDAD IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER Paul Chan 2003 00:51:00 Single Titles
Baghdad Plan is a Success, Sabine Gruffat
Baghdad Plan is a Success Sabine Gruffat 2007 00:02:44 Single Titles
Baldessari Sings LeWitt
Baldessari Sings LeWitt John Baldessari 1972 00:12:50 Early Video Art, Single Titles
John Baldessari: An Interview
John Baldessari: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1979 00:33:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
John Baldessari:  Some Stories
John Baldessari: Some Stories Peter Kirby 1991 00:29:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Baldies of Burgermeister Bungalow
Baldies of Burgermeister Bungalow George Kuchar 1994 00:16:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
The Ballad of Myra Furrow
The Ballad of Myra Furrow Helen Mirra 1994 00:05:00 Single Titles
Jem Cohen, The Ballad of Philip Guston
Ballad of Philip Guston Jem Cohen 2023 00:27:53 New Releases, Single Titles
Ballplayer Chip Lord 1986 00:13:00 Single Titles
Banana Split
Banana Split Kip Fulbeck 1991 00:37:30 Single Titles
Eiko Otake, Banshee
Banshee Eiko Otake 2022 00:04:43 Eiko Otake, Single Titles
Barbara, Diane Teramana
Barbara Diane Teramana 1971 00:10:11 Single Titles
Barbie's Audition
Barbie's Audition Joe Gibbons 1995 00:13:07 Single Titles
Jessica Bardsley: An Interview, Video Data Bank
Jessica Bardsley: An Interview Video Data Bank 2022 00:48:27 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Bargain Basement Bumpkin
Bargain Basement Bumpkin George Kuchar 1996 00:12:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Barranca
Barranca Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:05:58 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Lynda Barry: An Interview
Lynda Barry: An Interview Video Data Bank 2010 00:50:57 Interviews, On Art and Artists
Jennifer Bartlett: An Interview
Jennifer Bartlett: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1976 00:54:50 Interviews, On Art and Artists
Based on a Story
Based on a Story Jeanne C. Finley 1998 00:44:00 Single Titles
Based on a Story
Based on a Story John Muse 1998 00:44:00 Single Titles
Basho Paul Kos 2007 00:04:12 Single Titles
Basma Alsharif Videoworks: Volume 1
Basma Alsharif Videoworks: Volume 1 Basma Alsharif 2019 Compilations, Single Artist Compilations
Bataille Nicolas Provost 2003 00:07:00 Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Batalla
Batalla Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:04:35 Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Single Titles
Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Batalla Trilogy
The Batalla Trilogy Colectivo Los Ingrávidos 2019 00:09:21 Single Artist Compilations, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
The Bats
The Bats Jim Trainor 1998 00:08:00 Single Titles
Bay City Detours
Bay City Detours George Kuchar 2004 00:19:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Bayard & Me
Bayard & Me Matt Wolf 2017 00:16:00 Single Titles
Bayou of the Blue Behemoth
Bayou of the Blue Behemoth George Kuchar 1993 00:05:15 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
BE CAREFUL KYLE Jacob Ciocci 2020 00:01:42 Single Titles
BE CAREFUL KYLE Kent Lambert 2020 00:01:42 Single Titles
reFraming the Modern House, A Trilogy of Films. Beach House, Emily Richardson
Beach House Emily Richardson 2015 00:11:29 Single Titles
Beached Lawrence Weiner 1970 00:03:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Beastial Comforts
Beastial Comforts George Kuchar 2005 00:12:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Beauty Plus Pity
Beauty Plus Pity Cooper Battersby 2009 00:14:21 Single Titles
Beauty Plus Pity
Beauty Plus Pity Emily Vey Duke 2009 00:14:21 Single Titles
Beaver Valley
Beaver Valley Janice Tanaka 1980 00:06:50 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Because of the War
Because of the War Jennet Thomas 2005 00:13:40 Single Titles
Angelo Madsen Minax, Because of Us
Because of Us Angelo Madsen 2018 00:05:00 New Releases, Single Titles
Because This Is Britain
Because This Is Britain Martha Rosler 2012 00:03:00 Single Titles
Bee Film, Cathy Lee Crane
Bee Film Cathy Lee Crane 2015 00:36:01 Single Titles
Being John Smith, John Smith
Being John Smith John Smith 2024 00:26:52 New Releases, Single Titles
Beirut Exploded Views
Beirut Exploded Views Akram Zaatari 2014 00:28:00 Single Titles
Glenn Belverio: An Interview, Video Data Bank
Glenn Belverio: An Interview Video Data Bank 2020 01:19:49 Interviews, Single Titles
Ben Askerim (I, Soldier)
Ben Askerim (I, Soldier) Köken Ergun 2006 00:07:14 Single Titles
Benares Linda Mary Montano 1998 00:27:04 Single Titles
Beneath the Skin
Beneath the Skin Cecelia Condit 1981 00:12:00 Single Titles
Lynda Benglis: Dual Natures
Lynda Benglis: Dual Natures High Museum of Art 1990 00:10:40 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Sadie Benning Videoworks: Volume 1
Sadie Benning Videoworks: Volume 1 Sadie Benning 1998 00:35:00 Single Artist Compilations
Sadie Benning Videoworks: Volume 2
Sadie Benning Videoworks: Volume 2 Sadie Benning 1999 00:49:00 Single Artist Compilations
Sadie Benning Videoworks: Volume 3
Sadie Benning Videoworks: Volume 3 Sadie Benning 1999 01:08:40 Single Artist Compilations
Caroline Bergvall: An Interview
Caroline Bergvall: An Interview Video Data Bank 2016 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Berlin: Tourist Journal
Berlin: Tourist Journal Ken Kobland 1988 00:18:59 Single Titles
Berlin Zoo
Berlin Zoo Filipa César 2003 00:12:47 Single Titles
Bernard's Power Shield, Wendy Clarke
Bernard's Power Shield Wendy Clarke 1992 00:04:46 Single Titles
Best Is Man's Breath Quality
Best Is Man's Breath Quality Sara Magenheimer 2016 00:15:13 Single Titles
Best Is Man's Breath Quality (Split Screen)
Best Is Man's Breath Quality (Split Screen) Sara Magenheimer 2017 00:15:30 Single Titles
Betraying Amnesia: Latin America Video Portraiture
Betraying Amnesia: Latin America Video Portraiture 1999 01:16:50 Curated Compilations
Between Relating and Use
Between Relating and Use Nazli Dinçel 2018 00:09:18 Single Titles
Between the Frames
Between the Frames Antonio Muntadas 1992 06:00:00 Single Artist Compilations, On Art and Artists
Between the Frames, Chapter 1: The Dealers
Between the Frames, Chapter 1: The Dealers Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:37:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames, Chapter 2: The Collectors
Between the Frames, Chapter 2: The Collectors Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:20:40 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames, Chapter 3: The Galleries
Between the Frames, Chapter 3: The Galleries Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:12:09 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames, Chapter 4: The Museum
Between the Frames, Chapter 4: The Museum Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:53:17 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames, Chapter 5: The Docents
Between the Frames, Chapter 5: The Docents Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:13:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames, Chapter 6: The Critics
Between the Frames, Chapter 6: The Critics Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:53:50 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames, Chapter 7: The Media
Between the Frames, Chapter 7: The Media Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:49:09 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames, Chapter 8: Epilogue
Between the Frames, Chapter 8: Epilogue Antonio Muntadas 1991 00:38:32 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Between the Frames
Between the Lines Antonio Muntadas 1979 00:25:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Between Two Wars
Between Two Wars Harun Farocki 1978 01:23:00 Single Titles
betwixt, Hans Breder
betwixt Hans Breder 2014 00:09:00 Single Titles
Joseph Beuys: An Interview
Joseph Beuys: An Interview Blumenthal/Horsfield 1980 01:01:00 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Beyond the Screams:  A U.S. Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary
Beyond the Screams: A U.S. Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary Martin Sorrondeguy 1999 00:29:00 Single Titles
Saif Alsaegh, Bezuna
Bezuna Saif Alsaegh 2023 00:07:30 New Releases, Single Titles
The Bible Belt, Ligorano Reese
The Bible Belt Ligorano Reese 1992 00:04:14 Single Titles
Big Ones Hurt
Big Ones Hurt George Kuchar 1992 00:21:00 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Big Tip, Back Up, Shut Out
Big Tip, Back Up, Shut Out Susan Mogul 1976 00:10:00 Early Video Art, Single Titles
Angelo Madsen Minax, Bigger on the Inside
Bigger on the Inside Angelo Madsen 2022 00:12:00 New Releases, Single Titles
The Biggest Night in Music
The Biggest Night in Music Kent Lambert 2004 00:02:33 Single Titles
Big_Sleep™ Evan Meaney 2015 00:27:44 Single Titles
Big_Sleep™ Amy Szczepanski 2015 00:27:44 Single Titles
Billion Dollar Bimbo: A Musical
Billion Dollar Bimbo: A Musical George Kuchar 1993 00:15:37 Kuchar Archive, Single Titles
Binary Lives: Steina and Woody Vasulka
Binary Lives: Steina and Woody Vasulka Peter Kirby 1997 00:46:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Binibining Promised Land, Compilation, Köken Ergun
Binibining Promised Land Köken Ergun 2010 01:52:59 Single Artist Compilations
Binibining Promised Land - The Film, Köken Ergun
Binibining Promised Land - The Film Köken Ergun 2011 00:38:27 Single Titles
Bird, Bath and Beyond
Bird, Bath and Beyond Marie Losier 2003 00:13:00 On Art and Artists, Single Titles
Dara Birnbaum: Damnation of Faust Trilogy
Dara Birnbaum: Damnation of Faust Trilogy Dara Birnbaum 2001 00:27:00 Single Artist Compilations
Dara Birnbaum: An Interview, Video Data Bank
Dara Birnbaum: An Interview Video Data Bank 2019 01:05:33 Interviews, On Art and Artists, Early Video Art, Single Titles
Birth of a Candy Bar
Birth of a Candy Bar Branda Miller 1988 00:30:00 Single Titles
Birth of a Nation
Birth of a Nation Jem Cohen 2017 00:09:14 Single Titles